Summer Torpor

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year music fans. I'm heading down NSW coast for a week of beach inactivity, BBQs and the occasional martini. My mate and fellow Dead Marine Bernie Hayes is staying a couple of doors away so…Read more

Silly Season

Yes, Silly Season is here. I reckon it starts Melbourne Cup day and goes 'til Australia Day 26th January. I've wrapped up my Wine Island tour for the year, thanks to all who came to my shows. A big thanks…Read more


I'm running again for Writer/Director on APRA Board. Like most APRA members I write my own songs, make my own records and book my own gigs. I’ve been an APRA member for over twenty years and an Ambassador for four.…Read more

Wine Island

Three studios, many drummers, a double album - a long time coming but Wine Island is out on 16th September. I'm loving it. And I'm looking forward to heading out to play some shows with my crackin' band featuring drum…Read more

New Values

 ... thankyou Iggy Pop. Am back from a long trip overseas (where it was very bloody cold) with a head full of ideas. I mastered my new album Wine Island coupla weeks ago and am very happy, nay, excited with…Read more

back on the block

Hey ho, been busy after Xmas/New Year break. My album Wine Island is mixed, as is the Jeremy Oxley EP I was working on. Currently working on Bernie Hayes' new album and an EP by singer/songwriter Annaliese Monaro. 18 March…Read more

Almost Summer (thankyou Thorpie)

Well I didn't make it onto the APRA Board... again. Thanks to all who voted for me and spread the word, dunno if I'll have another crack next year. Meanwhile... 10 December I start mixing 23 songs for my forthcoming…Read more


The poll for Writer/Director on APRA Board closes Nov 15. Like most APRA members I write my own songs, make my own records and book my own gigs. I’ve been an APRA member for over twenty years and an…Read more


Thinkin' about summer.... Meanwhile lots of gigs going on - solo festival shows, THE PINKS, DAVE MASON with REEL B!G DOG, dead marines and some rare Karma County performances later in the year - check dates page for more. In…Read more

on the road to summer

Howdy, keeping busy in cold Sydney. Got lots of gigs coming up in the next few months - solo, THE PINKS, DAVE MASON with REEL B!G DOG, dead marines maybe and rumours of some Karma County shows later in the…Read more

Baby it's cold outside.

Had a great time in Italy in May, played some memorable shows and plan to be back there in Feb 2012. We gave Uncle Jimmy Little a great send off at the memorial concert at Sydney Opera House on 3rd…Read more

Ask not for whom the bell tolls...

... it tolls for thee.

April saw the passing of legendary song man and humanitarian Jimmy Little. Jimmy was my friend and mentor for sixteen years, through several albums and many memorable shows. He was a great inspiration to…Read more